GIU Blog Hop!!

Hello everyone and welcome to the Growing in Unity blog hop!

August Blog Hop GIU

harmony girl

I'm featuring the Harmony Girl from the beautiful stamps from Angie Blom. The stamp is a bit larger than most of my stamps and I thought it was just perfect for an art journal page. So I grabbed my watercolor paints and sketchbook and started working with this set!

GIU hop unitygirl

When I made this page it was raining really hard so the page really fitted the day ;). I started with stamping the image, after I stamped it I put a bit of masking fluid on it so I could make a background without damaging the stamped image. I used a couple of my gansai tambi colors (sorry, not the ones in the picture), to be honest I only used four colors for this page. I used one brown color for the ground and just used more water to fade it out. For the sky I used two colors of blue and... salt. Finally! I wanted to use salt in my watercolors for such a long time but I just couldn't find a way to incorporate it into my paintings. Well, for this girl it was just perfect to create a bit more texture in the sky. The lighter spots are the places where I put the salt. It absorbs some of your colors and you can create really pretty effects with it.

GIU hop unitygirl2

I added a couple of paint splatters to the sky in different colors of blue. Some of them I did while the paint was wet and some of them after the paint dried. When the paint is still wet the drops of paint will blend in more with the background and when it's dry the splatters will be more on top of the other colors. After all the splatters had dried I stamped my sentiment. One on the bottom of the page and a couple of them in the sky. For the ones in the sky I used second generation stamping, so I first stamped onto some scrap papers and after that I stamped a second time in the sky. This way the stamp blends in more with the background.

GIU hop unitygirl3

When everything dried I removed the masking fluid and my page was finished!

And a quick look on another page in my sketchbook:

GIU hop unitygirl4

If you're not used to stamping with large stamps you can try it out on another page. I stamped the girl a couple of times just to try it out, that way I created a background for another page! If you think the images are too prominent for a background you could add a little watered down gesso or white paint on top of your page so the girls will get a softer look. I'm still working on this page but I hope to show it to you soon ;).

Well, that was my part of the hop! Thanks for visiting and don't forget to leave a comment for your chance to win some Unity goodies! Your next stop is at Laura Turcotte!

Got lost along the way? Here's the complete list of blogs

Unity Stamps
Lucinde van Ballegooijen (you are here)
Laura Turcotte
Brittany Morgan
Renee Moran
Sheena Brooks
Tara Sell
Angela Walters
Maria Levine
Jen Gerwig-Dively

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Bible Journaling - Pillar of Cloud

Hello everyone! I have another bible journaling page to share with you. This time it’s based on a verse from Exodus. In Exodus the Lord is traveling with His people as a pillar of cloud to lead them to the Promised Land. When Moses would enter the sacred tent to meet God the pillar of cloud would come down and Moses and God would speak to each other inside the tent. I’m focusing on a conversation between Moses and God where Moses asks God to come with them so everyone could see they are the people of God. What intrigued me about this conversation is that Moses wouldn’t go any further if God wouldn’t come with them. Isn’t that just what we need to do in life? We need to ask God to come with us (and as we see in this conversation, He will if we ask Him) because without Him it’s useless to travel any further.

If you aren’t going with us, don’t let us move a step from this place

Hallo allemaal! Ik heb weer een pagina uit mijn bijbel om met jullie te delen. Dit keer is hij gebaseerd op een vers uit Exodus. In Exodus reist God met Zijn volk mee als een wolkkolom. Wanneer Mozes naar de heilige tent ging om met God te praten dan daalde de wolkkolom naar de tent zodat God en Mozes met elkaar konden praten. Voor deze pagina heb ik me gericht op een gesprek tussen God en Mozes waar Mozes vraagt of God met hem mee trekt zodat iedereen kan zien dat zij het volk van God zijn. Wat me intrigreerde in dit stuk is dat Mozes niet verder wil gaan als God niet mee gaat. En is dat ook niet wat wij eigenlijk zouden moeten doen? We moeten God vragen om met ons mee te gaan (en zoals we in dit gesprek zien, als we het Hem vragen dan wil Hij dat doen ook), want zonder God is het nutteloos om nog verder te 'reizen'.

Als u niet met ons meegaat, laat ons dan niet verder trekken

pillar of cloud by Lucilight

You can watch the video about this page below:

En de video die hierbij hoort kun je hier zien:

p.s. if you're wondering what the back of my page looks like, here it is!

p.s. als je je afvraagt hoe de achterkant van de pagina eruit ziet, dit is het!

pillar of cloud, back of the page - Lucilight

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Colorful thoughts

A really bright card for today, something different for me ;). I love colors but for some reason I don't use a lot of bright colored cardstock. But after I colored this image I just had the feeling it needed something colorful to go with it. It's another stamp from Unity Stamps and I colored it with regular watercolors. After that I diecut it with a die from My Favorite things. I added a little red frame with another die from the same set. Underneath this I stamped the sentiment from Simon Says Stamp on the bright cardstock and adhered everything together.

Een erg kleurrijke kaart vandaag, iets anders voor mij ;). Ik hou van kleuren maar om de een of andere reden gebruik ik maar weinig gekleurde kaarten. Maar nadat ik dit plaatje had gekleurd had ik het gevoel dat het nog iets met veel kleur nodig had. Ik heb weer een stempel van Unity Stamps gebruikt en deze heb ik ingekleurd met waterverf. Daarna heb ik het uitgestanst met een stans van My Favorite Things. Ik heb nog een rood frame gestanst met dezelfde set om een rood randje te maken. Daarna heb ik nog een tekst gestempeld met een set van Simon Says Stamp en heb ik alles in elkaar gezet.

Unity thinkingofyou

Unity thinkingofyou2

I'm linking this one to the Friends with Flair party at Unity Stamps.

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Watercolor Flowers

Hello everyone! Today I have another card to share with you. I love watercolors and this time I watercolored a stamped image from Unity Stamps. I used distress inks to color the image and to make the background splatters. I stamped the image first and after that I added some masking fluid to it so I could make my background. With the masking fluid on the stamp I could easily make the splattered background without worrying about the image. I diecut the stamped image with the stitched die from Pretty Pink Posh and I made the circles with dies from Simon Says Stamp. To finish the card I added a couple of sequins.

Halle allemaal! vandaag weer een kaart om te delen. Ik hou van waterverf en dit keer heb ik een stempel ingekleurd van Unity Stamps. Ik heb distress inkt gebruikt om het plaatje in te kleuren. Na het stempelen van de afbeelding heb ik er masking fluid opgedaan om zo de achtergrond te kunnen maken zonder me zorgen te maken over de stempel. Ik heb het gestempelde gedeelte uitgesneden met een stans van Pretty Pink Posh. Daarna heb ik de cirkels gesneden met de stansen van Simon Says Stamp. Om de kaart af te maken heb ik nog wat sequins toegevoegd.

lucilight unity stamps watercolors

Unity flowers water lucilight

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