Christmas Gift Guide
Illustrated Faith started a great giveaway idea where you can share your favorite Christmas goodies from Dayspring and get a chance to win the gift guide too (check out their post here).
Well... I didn't know Dayspring had so much great goodies! It was really hard to choose my top 5, so maybe I'll share another one soon haha. The only 'downside' for me is that it's really expensive to ship to the Netherlands... So I'll probably won't own these beauties ;).
1. Everlasting Light bangles
I just love these bangles. A beautiful message and a beautiful design to wear with Christmas :).
2. Ann Voskamp - The Greatest Gift
Actually, another book from her is on my 'real wishlist'. It's translated into Dutch (Duizendmaal Dank / A Thousand Gifts) and when I saw this book I wanted to add it to my wishlist too. Maybe there's a Dutch version too.
3. Part of God's Story - Leather Journal
Of course there had to be something stationary related on my list. I love beautifully designs cards, journals, pens etc. So this journal couldn't be missing. It just asks to be filled with studies and doodles.
4. Willow Tree Nativity Set
I love the serene feeling of this set. And even when you like to change your interior every year, this set will fit with every style so that wouldn't be a problem ;).
5. Everlasting Light - Inspirational Candle Holder Set
These warm and welcoming Everlasting Light candle holders look so beautiful. Would love to see them shine.